Out with it
I feel like I need to get it out
I feel like I need to rid myself of what has been propelling me and holding me back
I have reached a place of safety
All my life was dedicated to getting me out of my domestic hell
The hell that followed me around
Still does
I am split between celebrating my freedom and the sheer exhaustion of my long run
My entire life was informed by the fact that
For the first ten years of my life
My father sexually abused me
My mother passively watched on
I was so socially incapable
I got bullied or ignored in school
I attracted weirdoes all throughout my adolescence
I got raped in my last year of it
I had such a fire to get out
Six years of psychotherapy
Three years of practising art
One year of a healthy partnership
I feel so happy and so empty
I have no motivation
My heart is an empty warehouse space
I have thrown all the broken furniture out
I have cleaned the mould
Nothing is killing me anymore
And I am resourceless
I don’t have the means to go shopping to fill my space
It will be minimal for a long time
I miss Cyprus
I wish my parents didn’t exist
I wish I didn’t have to deal with all their destructive weaknesses all my life
I wish I didn’t feel obliged to protect their careers and relationships
I want to talk about this
I want to expose incest
I want the taboo to stop existing
I want survivors to feel empowered
There is a space for expression
They were wrong
They should be held accountable and responsible
Individuals and nations do horrible things
They make it even more horrible if they never own up to it or resolve it
I am not going to rot with them
I don’t want a dialogue
I don’t want an apology
I want nothing from them
It feels like spring
It smells fresh
I feel young
I miss Cyprus
I wouldn’t go as far as saying home because that doesn’t exist geographically to me
Home is in me
Wherever I go
It goes with me
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