

The dirtiest word

The last thing 

the successful individual 

wants to utter

to other successful individuals


I used to believe people

who said that they had a happy childhood

I used to believe people

who said they have no grievances with their parents

I used to believe people

whose biggest complaint was how the bus was late today

I used to think there were two kinds of people:

People with trauma

People without trauma

Trauma means handicap

Non-trauma means one has more to give

Imagine my surprise when I realised

that each person’s trauma is self-defined

and in fact those people who disclose it

may even be a step ahead of those who have

not even recognised it yet

I came out of my closet of shame

years ago

as a self-professed traumatised person

a person committed to sorting herself out

Reactions have been mixed

From admiration to pity

It brought out so much in people

I saw so much of other people’s shit

Some people felt so much better off than me

Others felt safe to tell me their stories

I assumed that people without stories

had none

But I was wrong

Keeping their stories from me kept them high

Keeping their stories from me kept them problemless 

Maybe their denial of pain is a confirmation of it

Maybe their denial of pain is confirmation of a pain

so deep

they can’t even 

acknowledge it without falling apart